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#0003 Betriebsferien vom 23.12.24 bis 06.01.25
Sehr geehrte Kunden,Wir machen Betriebsferien:unser Fabrikverkauf bleibt daher vom 23.12.2024 bis zum 06.01.2025 geschlossen.Der Betrieb des Onlineshops wird aufrecht erhalten.Am 23.12.24 und am 30.12.24 steht eine alternative Hotline zur Verfügung, wählen Sie hierfür die:0761 4000 69-41 .Desweiteren bitten wir Verzögerungen in Versand und Abwicklung der Retouren zu entschuldigen.Wir wünschen frohes Fest und guten Rutsch ins neue JahrIhr STRÖBER Bequemschuh Team
#0002 - cozy slippers for St. Nicholas - and hopefully a pinch of snow
The Advent season is just around the corner... and this year we could be lucky here in the south and experience another white Christmas. Because we've already experienced the first snowfall this fall/winter - the snow has now melted again after a weekend, but there's still a bit of a taste... Because a nice cold, snowy winter would be a nice change.Take a walk through the snow again and admire the beautiful, snow-covered landscape, go sledging or sip a cup of hot tea at home wrapped up warm... And then sit together with the family on the 24th and enjoy celebrating - when the streets are white, it just seems different...Fingers crossed, maybe it will be something this year.And if you're still looking for presents: Take a look at our ladies and men's slippers you might find something for yourself or your loved ones.And if you find what you're looking for: with the code Advent24 we're offering a 10% discount over the Christmas period (1.12-23.12).With this in mind:We wish you a wonderful first Advent and a peaceful Christmas season.Your STRÖBER Comfort Shoe Team
#0001 - Spider foot and toad leg, come into our shop....
Welcome to our very first blog entry.Discover our comfortable recommendations for fall: new low shoes, boots and slippers. Whether unlined, with real lambskin, leather lining or light warm lining - made of felt, deerskin or the best nappa. Everyone will find the right shoe for their needs here! We wish you a spooky, beautiful festival and cozy autumn days full of well-being, Your STRÖBER Comfort Shoe Team